Sunday, September 17, 2017

Random Sunday Things

After getting Lindsay off to college and the great house declutter project of August all I want to do is sit and knit. With the help of my sister via FaceTime and slow knitting videos on YouTube I am knitting a cowl.  I cast on all by myself, which is a huge accomplishment for me, and have been slowly knitting.  I've even taken this with me to appointments and on long car rides. I am so loving this project and learning something new.  The pattern is the Easy Peasy Cowl.  It is free on Ravelry. The yarn is by Dragonfly Fibers.  It is Traveller, Winter Woods.  Both the pattern and the yarn make me happy.

But all I've wanted to do is knit.  My other projects linger around me neglected.  There are two cowls and the Cozy Stripe Blanket that I haven't done much with since early August.  

I saw a post on Instagram showing this new to me magazine/Lookbook.  It is called By Hand: making communities.  They are almost like a travel guide for crafty things and makers in certain areas.  The first issue is the Portland, Oregon area.  The other issues are about different making communities around the United States.  There are articles about different artists, patterns, and recipes.  I am finding them very enjoyable.  It does make me want to travel to all of the places.  If you're interested the website is:

Maybe Instagram is a bad influence.  I saw this book on a post.  It's called "Dot journaling" by: Rachel Wilkerson Miller.  I don't think I'll do a full out Bullet Journal but I am hoping this may help me be w tiny bit more organized with my To Do lists.  Probably just doing things on my list would make me feel better.  I'm very good at making lists, not so good a doing the things on them. :(

Thank you for stopping by for a visit.   Lisa