Monday, January 8, 2018

The big chill

I am so cold!  All I want to do is sit by the fireplace and knit.  The cats are very happy with this arrangement.

When the cats aren't snuggling on me they like to sit on the heating vent.  We call them heater huggers.  Sometimes they nap there as well.  Honestly who can blame them?

I really haven't moved far from my crafting spot in the family room.  I had to start over twice on my scarf but I've finally finished the first color.  If I mess up now I'll need to search YouTube to help fix it.  Hopefully I won't mess up! 

Sunday I did venture out to take my son to his basketball game.  I brought my crochet to work on during the game.  Having something to do with my hands keeps me calm.  The scoring in basketball can go back and forth so much I find it very stressful. 

I didn't make any big New Year's resolutions or lists this year.  The things I'd like to do are much the same as what I've had in the past.  Continue to de-clutter no longer needed items, scan old photos and kids artwork, and be better at budgeting are all things I want to keep working on for 2018.  The de-cluttering is never ending.  We had one last end of year gathering of items on December 30.  It will be interesting to see how our taxes change from a donation stand point between 2017 and 2018.  There is still lots in this house that has to go!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  Lisa