Sunday, September 25, 2016

Year of Projects Week 13

I have finished the granny square blanket!!!!  I actually finished almost two weeks ago.  Well, almost finished it.  I still needed to cut the yarn from the skien and sew the ends.  This project has been in the works for so long I think I needed to let it sit and get used to the idea it was complete.

I could not spread the blanket over all of the bed due to the cat.  Avi loves napping in Lindsay's room. It was nice to be able to take the picture in her mostly tidy room.  I cropped the laundry out of the shot. No need to air our dirty laundry here : )

The other project I have been working on is a Squidge.  It's an asymmetrical scarf/shawl pattern from Ravelry.  The pattern is by Glenda Howell.  I'm using one of the Caron Cake Yarns.  I had a tough time getting the pattern started.  It was a little confusing to me.  There is a graph and that was very helpful.  Once I got it started I'm finding is very easy. 

I am really enjoying this yarn.  It is so soft and squishy.  I have two more skeins, one pink and one rainbow.  I do wish I would have bought one more skeins of the rainbow color.  The shawl I would like to make with it calls for more yarn than the one skein.  My Michael's store has already sold out of this yarn.  It was quite the craze!  

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  Lisa

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What to start

I have finished the granny square blanket.  Well, at least I think I have.  It's been in the works for so long I hesitate to say it is complete.  I don't have any pictures to post of this monumental finish.  I hope to photograph it on my daughter's bed.  I say hope because as her room sits right now you wouldn't notice a granny square blanket.  I fear all you would see is the complete disarray of a teenager's life.  It is her room.  I TRY to keep my mouth closed.  That is not easy.

Now to decide on the next project.  I have a few things that are still in progress.  I knit a round or two on my cowl each day.  The Christmas hexis should move to the front of the list.  It would be nice to have them finished.  But I keep thinking of all the new things I want to start.  A chevron or Spice of Life blanket would be fun and would use up stash yarn.

I also bought three Caron Cakes.  They were so pretty and I have zero self control.  Thanks goodness for Micheal's coupons.  Each skein has a pattern on the label.  There is a triangle shawl, a kerchief scarf, and a textured scarf.  They all have possibilities.

My son has asked for a crocheted basket for his room or I could make a fall doily.  I have too many things I want to make and my mind is not so focused.  I think that describes my state of mind, not so focused.  Craft projects are not the only things swirling around my head, so is everything else I need to do.  I get overwhelmed and then I don't do anything, so frustrating.   Sometimes picking one project and doing one task seems greater than swimming across the ocean.

I hope to accomplish something today, wish me luck.   Lisa

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Year of Projects 9/04/16

It's been a while since I last posted in the YOP ravelry group.  I almost forgot how!  I went through a slight lull of not working on many projects.  I still crocheted and knitted but it was very minimal.  My daughter asked me to make a crochet basket for her.  That is one complete project.  The pattern is the Chunky Basket by Elizabeth Pardue on ravelry.  I've made this before an it is a great basket.  I used Wool-Ease Chunky, the color is Wheat.

The granny square blanket is still in progress.  If I'd just find some focus and motivation it would be finished this next week.

My last finish is a Wooly Sheep from Attic 24 blog.  This is such a cute pattern.  I think mine needs a few flowers to make it a little more spiffy.

I'm still working on my knitted cowl.  It should be finished very soon.  Then I get to pick my next knitting project.  I'll probably go to the yarn store and see if they have any good suggestions for another easy project.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  Lisa

Thursday, September 1, 2016

It all started with an Instagram picture

At the end of August on what I think was a Thursday evening the family was off doing their own thing.  I was taking full advantage of the last days of summer vacation and happily crocheting and listening to a pod cast.  I typically have my iPhone with me and check Instagram from time to time. I saw Tammy from T's daily treasures post on Instagram a picture of my local sewing and yarn store. I knew from her posts she was traveling but had no idea she would make it to my area.  I couldn't believe she was so close. I hated to ask if she wanted to meet.  I wasn't sure how much time she had and didn't want to encroach on any of her plans.  Of course I was secretly hoping we could meet. She was gracious enough to ask if I'd like to get together for coffee. I was thrilled!  I love reading her blog so the chance to talk with her in person was something I didn't want to miss.

Leesburg has a lovely historic down town area perfect for meeting a friend for coffee and to chat. A little bit of history, the Declaration of Independence was kept in Leesburg after Washington D.C. was burned by the British during the War of 1812.

We met at a quirky little coffee shop-restaurant that was once the town cobbler shop.  It has shoes and boots as decorations giving it a great eclectic feel.  

Talking with Tammy was so fun.  It was interesting to hear how she ended up in Kuwait and how long she has lived there.  I grew up in Arkansas and moved to Virginia when I was 27.  I'm a little in awe of all of her travels.

Of course no meeting of blog friends is complete without exchanging a few gifts.  The above goodies are the lovely things she gave to me.  I can honestly say I feel like I made out like a bandit!

I hope if she is returns to the area again she would be up for another coffee and chat.