Sunday, March 27, 2016

Spring Break 2016

We've all been on Spring Break this past week.  It was a wonderful relaxing, crafting, college visits, family kind of week.  I'm trying to fight the tomorrow's Monday feeling.  It does help that today is Easter.  Typical for us it's a quiet family day.  I am not an avid cook but I do have a special meal planned.  It's an already tested and approved turkey meatball recipe with real mashed potatoes, no boxed ones for today.  I'm even going to attempt homemade brownies.  We'll see if Martha Stewart and I are compatible.

We had big plans for doing lots of yard work this week.  That didn't happen.  The start of our break was a cold one.  It's hard to believe last Saturday we had snow!  It wasn't much but still snow on the last day of winter.

The cold, snowy weather made it perfect for sitting and crafting.  I made my nest and that's exactly what I did.

The fireplace is on, Bru is snuggled beside me, and I'm working on granny squares.  A perfect way to spend a cold day.

I ordered a copy of Taproot magazine from SoulMama blog.  Okay I'll be honest, I ordered two of their magazines. Magazines are my vice.  If it's a crafty type of magazine then I'm over the moon. This is the first time I've bought a copy of Taproot.  It was wonderful.  I've throughly enjoyed the essays.  It is so beautifully put together.  I know I want to receive this with each new issue.  This best part about the latest issue #17 was the pattern for the Stanley the Rabbit.

This is Stanley by Kate Bruning, Greedy for Colour blog

The granny square blanket went on the back burner so I could make my very own Stanley.  I think mine will be Stanley's cousin Sting.  I used yarn I had in my stash.

He was fun to make.  The pattern includes a tiny backpack for him to wear.  I need to make that for mine.  A bunny in a striped shirt needs a backpack.

In spite of being sidetracked with Stanley/Sting I did work on the granny square blanket.  This will be the project I focus on for the week.  I can finally say I'm closer to the finish than the beginning.  I've moved my boomerang scarf to my take-a-long project.  It is easy to work on in waiting rooms or at the soccer field.

We made a day trip to Richmond to visit Virginia Commonwealth University for my daughter.  I enjoy crocheting on car rides.  It does help pass the time and I can still chat.

My new favorite project bag.  It was on sale at Michael's for $3.74!  I couldn't pass it up, besides magazines I have a bag and basket vice too!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit.  I hope you have a lovely Easter.  Lisa

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Spring forward to spring cleaning

The time change has wiped me out!  Today was the first day since Sunday that I haven't taken a little afternoon nap.  The naps haven't bothered me at bedtime.  I have slept wonderful, just not long enough.  I had a bit more energy today so I've been trying to clean up the mess I have made in the basement.
The mess
 All of this stuff was pulled out of the open closet.  Seeing all of it makes me shudder.  Some of this has been in the plastic boxes for almost twenty years.  I want to list some of it for sale on Craig's List, Some of it is for the next charity pick up, and the rest is the kid's school art work or keepsakes I need to sort.   Honestly, it's all too much!  It overwhelms me.  It's in the guest bedroom and I can easily close the door and ignore it.  But I want it dealt with once and for all.  I keep telling people my goal is to have a very minimalistic home by the time my youngest graduates high school.  He will graduate in five and half years.  I don't mind having stuff.  I want to enjoy and use what I have.  I don't want stacks of boxes in basement closets of stuff I don't need.  I've been listening to The Minimalist pod cast, can you tell???

I take most of my pictures with my iPhone.  I have a digital point and shoot camera that I like very much but don't use often.  We do have an older DSLR  type of camera which I have no idea how to use.  I'm finding posting photos here a challenge.  Some of the ones I post I like and others not so much.  I don't know if I should try and use an editing site.  I'm not sure which way to go with taking photos.

I took this picture tonight with my iPhone.  My daughter was given the rose by her soccer coach.  I picked the daffodil from our front flower bed.  I know it would have conveyed a completely different picture if I'd have removed the background clutter.  It's funny sometimes I love seeing a more staged perfect pictures.  They looks so pretty.  Then there are times I also love seeing the clutter of daily life. My life is cluttered.  I want it a little less so.

I'm off to make a granny square.  Thank you for stopping by for a visit, Lisa

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Winter Project Link Party

There has been little progress made on the granny square blanket, a slight hiatus.  I haven't been very motivated to work on it.  I did get a bit sidetracked with the boomerang scarf. However, some of the problem was I wasn't pleased with the squares for the next row. After laying the squares on the floor I realized I needed more color combinations to choose from.  I am happy to report since Sunday I have been back to stitching away at granny squares.

Avi being helpful.  She agrees I need to make more granny squares for this row.

I know it won't be finished by the end of winter. It was 70 degrees here today and the daffodils are almost blooming. Winter already seems long gone.  I'm sure I will have my moments of granny squares progress as well as those times when I fight the urge to start ten new projects.  I've made more headway on this blanket in the past two months than I have in the past two years.  I'm not going to put a timeframe on when it will be finished. I'm just going to keep working on it.  

The boomerang scarf is working up nicely.  I like having a project that doesn't require too much thought.  Somedays after work my mind is a little blurry but I still want to stitch. This scarf is perfect for those times.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

It all started with a library book

I lost my battle against starting a new project.  I'll blame it on the public library, that way I'm not held accountable for my actions.  It's always nice to have a fall guy.  It all started with this stack of innocent books.  The book hiding at the bottom of the pile is where it all began.

Isn't that a lovely scarf on the front cover?  It only takes on skien of yarn.  I have lots of yarn.  I'm sure I can find one skien in my stash that will be perfect.

I've given both of these a try, pretty but not quite the look I want.  The pink is Bernat Satin, color flamingo.  The purple is a few years old and the tag is long gone.

Maybe I need a different pattern, maybe a shawl?  I know just the pattern.  It's in the Love of Crochet magazine, fall 2015.  I happen to have it in the craft room.

Another lovely pattern but my yarn still isn't quite right for this one.  I should look on Ravelry for a pattern. There are so many to choose from there.  Of course I did find one. It's the Crochet Boomerang Scarf by Gail S. Hovanec.

This is the start of the scarf.  The purple yarn is now Caron Simply Soft.  I like the softness of this yarn for the scarf but isn't that purple a little bright?  I wear much more muted colors.  A grey color is what I "Need."  I also need a hair cut.  Luckily for me Joann's is in the same shopping center as the beauty shop.  

I couldn't decide which would be better, the solid or the variegated yarn.  I happen to have two coupons so I got both.  I'm sure one of these will make the perfect grey Boomerang Scarf.

The hair cut didn't turn out too bad either.  I wish I could have the stylist do my hair every morning.  I love the way she does my hair.

So this is how one library book lead through five skeins of yarn and three patterns and me starting a new project with new yarn.  Crazy how I justify things.

We won't talk about granny squares this time.