Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year

Forget the bottle of champagne I'll take a bottle of candy any day of the week.  For me this was the perfect way to ring in the new year.  Don't worry, I'm not a teetotaler.  I still have a few left and I'm willing to share.  

My new year's goal are much the same as last year's goals.  I want to finish projects, use up yarn, and not have too many projects going at the same time.  

The projects that I am currently focused on are The Cozy Striped blanket by Attic24, a R2D2, and the never ending Springtime quilt by Wildolive blog.  My daughter requested a R2D2 be made for a friend of hers.  The Springtime quilt is never ending because I fail to work on it.  That is going to change for 2017.  My plan is to work a little on it constantly.  I find a little goes a long way.  Maybe this will be the year it is completed.

My other goal for January is to take back the guest bedroom from the mountain of clutter.  All but a small fraction of that pile-o-junk should be boxed up and sent to the charity shop.  The room is treated like a dumping ground.  I hope to end that practice this year.

Well, I better go get busy I have lots to do.  Bru and I wish you a Happy New Year.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit, Lisa


  1. Thank you for having us Lisa. Happy New Year!

  2. Love that last photo. BRU is my kinda doggie!

    When we lived in the house, the closets became big dumping grounds for "maybe we will use this again." Moving was big incentive to rehome the stuff or throw it out.

  3. Oh, Bru! You are so handsome! Happy New Year, Lisa. Good luck with all your projects. I have sooooooooooooo many in the works. Really must finish and then pack them up and give them to the intended recipients (most are for charity, for the hospital, etc). Even if all I do is crochet one little heart, I at least want to do something creative every day. Oh, purge, declutter, organze. I need luck with that. Ha! Cheers!

  4. Happy New Year to you and your family! I also have a lot of de-cluttering to do around here. I have to make room for the new things and toys we accumulated over the holidays. Good luck to us! x

  5. Happy New year!!! my studio (also the guest bed room) needs to be put back together again as well. It's where the wrapping of gifts occurs and the landing place for stuff that hasn't a home...

    Love your goals and the photo of you!!

  6. Like the colour combination of the hexagon pattern.
