Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A cowl and too many tables

The Chickadee Cowl is coming along slowly.  I've been trying to find a more even rhythm to my knitting.  I'm not pausing as much after each and every stitch like I did at the start of this project.  I can now talk to people and listen to the T.V. without fear of forgetting the next stitch.  I hesitate to say I'm a knitter but I am feeling the tiniest bit of confidence.

I am reading "Living Large In Our Little House," by: Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell.  So far I've enjoyed the short amount I have read.  We've been in our home eleven years.  I've been seriously de-cluttering for a few years.  I'm not sure we will ever be ready to live in only 480 square feet but I do know my husband and I want smaller.  The trick is getting there.  About the time I think I've made some good progress the realization hits that we have two dining room tables and two dinette tables. That's not including the table that sits in the screened porch or the one on the deck. There are chairs for all these tables too!  Who needs that many tables and chairs????  We bought into the mind set - If there's a space you must fill it.  This is no longer how I feel.  The less is more makes me so much more happy.

Besides tables and chairs I guess you could say we have a stuffed animal issue too.  I'll be honest the above picture is not all of the kid's stuffed animals.  I try to make myself feel better by saying "We've lived here eleven years."  The things we've unearthed this summer trying to clean out has been overwhelming and numbing.  I can't help but wonder am I really making progress?

I will be listing items on Craigslist, maybe a table or two : )

joining Ginny for Yarn along.


  1. Your cowl is beautiful. Which pattern are you using?

    I just did a major Goodwill run with mugs, wine glasses and small kitchen appliances. You know --- all that stuff that once looked good, but now just collects dust.

  2. Such a pretty cowl! Decluttering always feels good!

  3. Hi Lisa, it's so nice to meet you via your blog (and, thank you for visiting my blog). This is such a pretty cowl you are knitting as is the yarn. Have you ever watched the tiny houses program on HGTV? It's really quite fascinating. I moved six years ago to California from my home state of Washington but there's still lots I could get rid of...never ending job. Have a wonderful weekend dear one. Pat

  4. I like how you're feeling about your knitting :) My sister always says "you can only sit in one room at a time" We have a big house and the kids are grown but they still come back. I would like to downsize one day but my husband is not interested in that lifestyle :)

    I should declutter my spaces though!!

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    1. Oh my, if I would read things!!! Thank you for telling me this fact.

  6. I am fascinated with the tiny house movement and watch HGTV programs about it. My husband died 7 years ago and three of my adult children and I are currently living in the same house. I treat my room like a studio apartment, and love the cozy feel of it, but I love the hubbub of having my children, and their children in and out so it remains to be seen if I will ever live in a tiny house!
