Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ground Hog Day

Happy Ground Hog Day.  Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow I guess as lore would have it we are suppose to have an early spring.  I'm rather indifferent to early spring or more winter.  I don't think we get much of a choice in what weather comes our way. Let's hope for nothing too extreme. I can't help but think about the movie "Ground Hog Day" with Bill Murray.  I would rather not have today keep repeating itself.  Oh, nothing bad has happened, it's that I've made a mess in my craft room.  We'll call it the snowball effect meets easily distracted woman.  I went to tackle one corner and my Sugar and Cream yarn.  I have managed to bounce from one area to another leaving stuff all over the floor.  

Avi is with me for moral support

I do have a plan.  It will take me a little to get it all together.  The end result should be less stuff and easier access to what I want to use.  I had to leave it for today.  I'll be back to work on it Thursday.  I have to be careful I don't spend too much time shuffling stuff and not any time creating.  The above pictures are why I need to stay away from Hobby Lobby.  However, I did make a quick trip there on Saturday :-D  I did not buy yarn or anything crafty.  I did buy a Valentine door decoration.  

I haven't made any granny square progress.  I did work on Valentine's starry flower coasters this weekend.  I made one for me and one for each of my sisters.  I'm going to try and have them ready to mail on Thursday.  I have a few other goodies to add to the package with them.  

We have finally been able to get out for our nightly walks.  Sunday night we came across this Christmas tree stuck in a snow mound.  I guess the owners wanted it out of the house before February.  You never know what you'll come across.  

January was a good month even with all of the shoveling we had to do.  I hope February is as productive craft wise and the craft room doesn't stay a mess till spring.


  1. I think Avi is just waiting for you to leave so she can play with all that yarn!

  2. One of my sons and I recently watched Groundhog Day. What a fun movie! And your craft room looks something like mine. I spent yesterday trying to bring it under control and I really only managed to overwhelm myself. Today it needs to come back together. It was a great revealer, though, that I have more yarn than is reasonable and I need to stay out of the craft stores. Let's see if I can make and keep that resolve.

  3. The Valentine's flower coasters are pretty, I'm sure your sisters will love them. Good luck with the craft room clean up. I couldn't help but notice your baskets. I love a basket especially when filled with yarn. I get yarn basket envy a lot, especially on Instagram.
