Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wants, grannies, and Bigfoot

Today I woke up with the strong urge to go to Hobby Lobby.  There are days I'd like nothing more than to go to the craft store and buy something fun and frivolous.  It's kind of exciting to buy a little something.  I want to try crocheting with t-shirt yarn.  I ask my self: wouldn't it be fun to make a catch-all basket?  The problem is I don't NEED anything!  I DO NOT need to start any new projects. I have my current projects.  I have other projects waiting to be started.  But I still have this pull to go get more!!!  I am rather frustrated with myself about this fact.  I won't even attempt to analyze why. I'm sure I have too many issues to bother with making that list.  What I did do to stay out of Hobby Lobby was to clean up my craft room and find a few things to give to charity.  I didn't find a lot of stuff but I have a few things ready to go out the door.  I now know the next area I will be focusing on to purge.  Like everything else I'm slow but steadily working on it.

The red and brown shopping bag have the items to go to charity.  The baskets and totes are what I need to go through and clean up next.  The basket to the left has a large amount of Sugar and Cream yarn.  I'm not sure I will keep all of it.  When I first started to crochet I loved using it.  Most of it was bought on sale for a dollar a skein.  I haven't used much in the past year.  I will look online for ideas of ways to use it.  If I can't find anything I'm interested in making then out the door it goes.  It is odd the acquire and purge that I do.  I am trying VERY hard to be aware of this issue and to curb the behavior.

I have been working on granny squares.  I am making progress.  Seeing them all together helps me stay motivated and keeps me from starting any new projects.  Sorry if it looks like the same photo every time.  It really isn't.  I'll try and find a different way of photographing them next time.

The roads have been plowed and we have made good use of them today.  Driving home from one of our many appointments we had a Bigfoot/Sasquatch sighting!  I thought this was too funny.

It isn't the best photo of Bigfoot/Sasquatch but he does tend to be elusive.  Shame he's not holding a snow shovel.  There's still plenty of snow that needs to be moved.  I think we will have snow piles till March.


  1. I don't know what the lure of craft stores is either, but it is definitely there. I have more stuff than I could ever use up, but do I quit shopping. NOOOOO! LOL

    1. I was able to resist today. I make no promises come Saturday :-)

  2. You are not the only one suffering from this problem. I have a huge stash pile because I cannot resist buying yet more crafting goodies. xx

    1. I don't know if I'll ever have it completely under control. I want to keep it a little better in check than I have in the past. I like fun stuff.

  3. I would love to have snow piles til March!!! I have to go through some closets and thin out my stuff too. I love going to the craft stores and just browsing, sometimes I buy and sometimes I don't buy :)

    1. It is fun to look. I find myself saying thing like "Pretty, but don't need it." I'm trying to be mindful of all my wants.

  4. I think we all get that urge. I'm not buying clothes because I've got way too many and definitely need to purge. But when it comes to yarn, I can't seem to help myself. At least the last time I bought yarn, which was last week, I actually used it all, already. So that's a plus. I have so much organizing to do. Takes so much time. Ugh! Happy February!

    1. I wish I would use some of my crafty purchases right away. Sometimes they sit for longer than I care to admit. I'm trying very hard to stay focused on my current projects. I am so easily distracted. Hopefully half the battle is being aware of this fact.

  5. An Abominable Snowman sighting! :-) That photo made me smile and I'm also amazed at how much snow you still have.
    I'm also tempted to start new projects all the time but really I should be concentrating on getting WIP's done. I'm currently still working on my crochet blanket and I'm determined to get it finished before Springtime. Hope February is the month for us to complete some of our on going projects.
