Sunday, January 10, 2016


The washer and dryer seem to be working overtime.  I'm not sure why this weekend the loads of clothes are never ending.  The cats and dog must be having dress up parties once I fall asleep at night. I will spare you a picture of the piles of dirty clothes.  Between loads of laundry I have been stitching granny squares together.  I will admit to a lull of crocheting during the week.  I was afraid I'd already given up my resolve to work on this project for the month of January.  I'm glad I was able to pick it back up this weekend.

The stack of granny squares slowly became a line of granny squares.  Then...

She makes it a little difficult.  I did manage to get all the squares attached.
She's sooo helpful :-)


  1. Hey! It's coming along. Cute helper you've got there. :^)

    1. Thank you. Avi is a sweet lap kitty. When she wants lap time there's no stopping her.

  2. Kitty-time is important time too!

    The granny squares look great. That's going to be a beautiful, happy-color blanket.

    1. Thank you. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have kitties to help me stitch.

  3. Your granny squares look great. Have you tried the continuous join method? I have only started using it fairly recently but it is certainly easier and takes less time. You will find the method on ThePatchworkHeart blog. xx

    1. I will have to give the continuous joining method a try. When I started this blanket I was still very much a beginner. I'm embarrassed to even say how long ago I started it. That's ok, I'm working on it. It will get finished!

  4. I do laundry on Sundays and I have more than usual as well!love that last photo of your little helper. Can't wait to see it all sewn up!! So pretty as squares.

    1. Thank you. I am kind of using my blog for granny square blanket accountability. It helps me stay motivated to keep working it forward. I may never get the laundry finished but I will complete this blanket.

  5. There's only 3 of us here and I still have to do at least one load every day. Love making grannies. Not always so keen on the joining which is why I'm doing giant grannies at the moment. :)

    1. This is my first blanket. Next time it will be a continuous join or stripes. I am enjoying this one. I am a slow/sidetracked stitcher.

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