Monday, January 25, 2016

Boots and beach towels

Our beach towels get a second life come snow time.  I place them around all the doors. They make such great snow catchers.  It makes me smile to remember the sunny beaches we have used them on as I stomp snow onto them in the winter.  It's nice to have multipurpose uses for things.  We have made very good use of these towels during this storm.  We have shoveled and shoveled and then went back to shovel some more.  This is the first storm I've wished we had a snowblower.  A visit to Home Depot may be in our future if we can ever get out of our neighborhood.  I'm positive we will never see snow again but after all the shoveling I think I may be willing to take that chance.

This is a picture of the last time we shoveled on Saturday night.  I'm wearing my daughter's soccer stadium jacket.  It is soooo warm!  This was not the last time we shoveled.  We were back at it Sunday morning.  I'm not really complaining.  I do like snow.  We didn't lose our electricity and we have plenty of food.  I'd say we rode out the storm very well.

I don't think we will see the mailperson anytime soon : )

I went for a walk this morning.  This is the view from the entrance of our street, so far no snowplow.

There weren't many snowmen to be seen.  The snow cat was too cute.  I guess it's hard to build a snowman when the snow is up to most kids waists.  There has been some sledding.

Our kitties have been snuggled up on my chair.  Bru found a little sun to warm up his paws.

I haven't crafted as much as I though I would.  The shoveling has been rather exhausting.  I have my next row of granny squares ready to stitch together.  I'll post a picture next time. I have been slowly working on the felt snowmen.  I am getting better with the blanket stitch.  I watched a tutorial and it was a huge help.  Sometimes I feel like the slowest crafter ever but I am making progress.

We will be making some chocolate chip cookies this afternoon.  It will be interesting to see when the snowplow arrives.


  1. I am pleased you stayed safe in the blizzard but hope you don't have too much more shovelling to do. xx

    1. We should have all of it taken care of tomorrow. I am very ready to not see a shovel till spring planting! :-)

  2. This was our son's first season in Virginia. He said he had 33" of snow on his porch in Ashburn.

    The felted snowmen are adorable! It's not the speed with which it gets done ----- it's the cute factor. This project has a cute factor of 1000+!

    1. Your son is very close to us. We are in Leesburg. I saw on the news some of Ashburn hasn't been plowed due to a confusion of city vs. county roads. I hope that didn't cause him any issues. Our street was plowed late today.

      I will remember your kind words as I'm finishing my snowmen in July. Not only am I a slow stitcher I'm easily distracted :-D

  3. Just look at all your beautiful snow!!!
    One of my sister's lives in Ashburn and the other
    in Paris, VA, neither one of them can get out wither, still
    waiting on snow plows.

  4. Just look at all your beautiful snow!!!
    One of my sister's lives in Ashburn and the other
    in Paris, VA, neither one of them can get out wither, still
    waiting on snow plows.

  5. Seeing your comment and Dee's comment it really does make one think it isn't such a big world after all. I know everyone on my street is ready to get out and about again. I hope your sisters see the elusive snow plow sometime soon!

  6. I'm truly inspired by your gumption. We still have a son (college-age) at home to help DH shovel snow, but we're definitely seeing a snow blower in our near future. And it's a rare winter in central Indiana when we get more than 5-6 inches in a snowfall. Ten inches and more is a news-maker, here. BTW, we also use our fun beach towels for sloppy winter shoe cathchers. :^) I hadn't thought of it before, but now that you've made me... it IS kind of nice being reminded of warmer activities when winter is wearing thin.

    1. There are a few houses on our street that do have snowblowers. They were a big help with the sidewalks. It was fun to listen to everyone who doesn't own one talk about buying one! Today was our first venture out to town. It is crazy to see the mountains of snow piled up from clearing the roads. This has been one wild storm.

  7. I'm glad to see that you and your family were all right throughout the blizzard. But what a lot of snow! I wonder how long it will take for all of it to melt away. In the meantime, I hope you're all warm and safe and you'll get a bit more crafting time this weekend. Btw, I just found that you're smile_bam on Instagram - hello Instagram friend! :-)

    1. Hello Marion, For the most part this area was very prepared for this storm. We definitely were. We had plenty of food and we never lost power. We have been out and about town. It is mind boggling at the amount of snow piled up from the roads having been plowed. I don't think all the snow will be melted till at least March. Now that most of the shoveling is complete I am back to the crafts. I do hope to get some quality crafting time in this weekend. I can't wait to see what you have been crafting.
