Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Things I want to do, Things I need to do

Today is one of those days were I feel like I'm walking in thick gooey mud.  I'm trying to organize my thoughts and the things I want to do today.  I need to mail a late Christmas gift to my sister.  I need to get a few photos ready to mail to my dad.  I'd like to find a few things to gather for the next charity pick up.  I need to clean up the pantry.  I want to work on granny squares or make a crochet snowflake.  I want to organize another quilty project. This one would be my take-a-long project.  The one I grab for waiting rooms and sports practices.   It's only 10:00 a.m. and I think I could take a nap but I won't.   I have been slowly moving things forward.  I have my next row of granny squares ready to stitch together.  I have the package for my sister down stairs.  It was in my no longer tidy craft room.  There's no reason to put craft room clean up on the To-Do list today.  It will have to wait for another day.   I may be moving slow but I'm moving and that makes me happy.  I know I will get a few things done today.

I better get busy, lots to do!


  1. I feel the same way Lisa, so many things I want or need to do. For now I am just taking it slow and focusing on a blanket I am knitting for a sweet little two year old.
    I love, love your afghan, it is the exact one I want to make....when I learn to crochet...it's on the list ;)

    1. Learning to knit is on my list for 2016. I see all the lovely things you and others make and want to join in as well. But first, finish what I've started.

  2. Looks like Kitty is making approval of the patch placement. LOL

    Happy hooking!

    1. Binxy is always my crochet helper, sometimes a little too helpful! If I don't hide my yarn I find it all over the house.

  3. Hi Lisa!
    I love the colours in your granny squares. I have a granny square project too but it's still a long way from being finished. Maybe this year, maybe. I hope you got a lot of thinga done yesterday and hope you have more time for crochet today. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Marion,
      I won't even tell you how long ago I started this project!!! I liked your year end review of finished projects. I sure hope this one will be on my list for 2016. I did manage to get a few this accomplished. Can't wait to see your next finish project.

  4. look at your pretty squares!!! so so lovely. I have some cards that need to get into the mail and I need to print off some photos as well. Oh well, better get to it!

    1. Thank you Karen. The list of to-do's is never ending. You would think I would know this by now. I guess on the days I can't focus so well it's just harder to manage.

  5. This is going to be so gorgeous when it's all stitched together. What a cheery mix of colors!

    1. Thank you very much. It's for my sixteen year old daughter.
